6-month group mentorship program
to prepare international students to enter a nurse practitioner program in the U.S.

Boost your confidence to enter a nurse practitioner program in the U.S.

NP Program

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We offer courses specifically for international nurses who dream of becoming nurse practitioners in the U.S. like you!

Dreaming of becoming a nurse practitioner in the U.S. but you don't know where to start...

Don't know where to start?

Don't worry! We understand your struggle BECAUSE WE'VE BEEN THERE BEFORE!
Our courses are made explicitly for foreign-educated nurses and will boost your confidence!

  • I don't even know where to start...
  • I feel scared...
  • What if I am not good enough to become a nurse practitioner?

You feel you need more confidence to be a nurse practitioner in a foreign country...

Yes, you can do this!

Let's Master This Together!

From essays to interviews, learn tips on standing out from other candidates.

Nurse PRACTITIONER program application guide

Real-life tips on how to be efficient on assignments and deal with stress

school/life balance tips

Lessons on MSN vs. DNP program, pros and cons of different nurse practitioner specialties, and choosing the right program for you

Career decision guide

Clear step-by-step guide on what to do to get accepted by nurse practitioner programs

personalized Action Plan to apply for np programs

Learn tried-and-tested methods for non-native English speakers to quickly learn practical English

methods to speed up english learning

Crash course to learn American nursing to build a solid foundation for your nursing career in the U.S.

Nursing in the U.S.
crash course

Enter an NP program with confidence

NP Program


Bonus Monthly Group Mentoring Zoom Calls

Complimentary Access To VIP FB Community

You will have access to six live monthly group mentoring zoom calls to ask questions to your mentor directly.

You will have access to an exclusive FB community to ask questions and meet your future nurse practitioner friends.

Bonus #2

Bonus #3

A workbook exclusive to this program will guide your nurse practitioner career step by step.

Exclusive NP Career Workbook

Bonus #1

In Addition To Valuable Lessons, You'll Walk Away With...


I started gathering information on becoming a nurse practitioner in the U.S.,  but it was extremely tough to find helpful information about it, especially since I was still in Japan. I read books and asked people to see if I could get useful information, but I heard different stories and wasn't sure what to believe.

As a nursing student in Japan,
I dreamed of becoming a nurse practitioner in the U.S. someday...

My True Life Story

Learning complex subjects like nursing in my second language was challenging. I remember bringing an English-Japanese dictionary to my first clinical rotation in the U.S.
I didn't have a role model who was a foreign-educated nurse and became a nurse practitioner in the U.S. I wasn't sure if I could get a job in the U.S. even if I could graduate from the program. I was scared that all those efforts, money, time, and support from my family might go to waste, but I trusted myself and did everything I could.

I came to the U.S. to attend a nurse practitioner program when I was 25...

My True Life Story

She was very excited to tell me that I was elected as a valedictorian speaker for graduation. My family flew from Japan to attend my graduation. They sat in a VIP area that the university prepared explicitly for families of valedictorians and watched me giving a speech in front of thousands of fellow graduates. At that moment, I realized that all my effort had paid off...I made it! Anything is possible in America.

I remember the day I got a call from my professor...

My True Life Story

Now I get to choose how and where I work, make more than $150,000 a year, surf four times a week, and take a vacation every three months to see the world! Becoming a nurse practitioner wasn't easy, and it took a long time, but it was totally worth it.

Becoming a nurse practitioner gave me financial independence and the freedom of choice

My True Life Story

Clear guidance and support make your dream of becoming a nurse practitioner in America possible!

Confident that you know what to do
Feel excited about your career journey
Find the right school for your goals
Feel supported when you feel down
Become a highly desirable candidate for nurse practitioner programs
Learning English actually useful for your career

at the end of the program, you'll be:

NP Program

And that’s why I’m so excited to invite you to...

Excellent question! It's even better to join this program 
when you are still in high school or an undergraduate program. I knew that I wanted to study in the U.S. since I was a child, then I became sure that becoming a nurse practitioner in the U.S. was what I wanted to do when I was a nursing student in Japan. Since then, I started preparing to go to a nurse practitioner program in the U.S. There are many things I'm glad I did and things I wish I had done during that time, and I share my real-life wisdom from my own experience in this program so that you won't waste your time and money. So the sooner you join this program, the better!

I'm still in A high school/undergrad program and not even a nurse yet...should i wait until i become a nurse to join this program?

Actually, that's great timing to join this course while you are still outside the U.S. and planning on your nurse practitioner career! This program contains many valuable lessons on how to effectively prepare for your nurse practitioner career journey, such as how to improve your English fast, what nursing experiences you should have before coming to the U.S., how much money to save before moving to the U.S., etc. So it will help you not waste your time on things that don't matter and focus on things that matter for your career.

i'm not sure when I will move to the U.S....should I wait until I have a more solid plan FOR studying ABROAD?

Absolutely! This program is made specifically for nurses whose first language is not English. The best way to learn English is to use it to learn something you are interested in, not just learn the language (that would be boring...!). This program would give you opportunities to write, listen, and speak in English, even outside of the U.S., so that you will be better prepared for your nurse practitioner career journey!

I'm not confident with my english...can I still take this program?



We understand that you have a busy life already. And that's why it's crucial to join a mentorship program to receive motivational and emotional support from a mentor and your peers, which can help you stay on track to actualize your dream! 

I'm too busy with school/work now...I'm not sure if I have time for this.

Yes! You can choose either a one-time payment plan or a three-month or six-month payment plan.

I'm not sure if I can afford this...is there any payment plan?

You absolutely can, and that's how I did it since there were no online support services when I was trying to become a nurse practitioner. But, I had difficulty finding reliable information, especially for nurses trained outside of the U.S. I shed a lot of tears, experienced many struggles, and spent time and money on unnecessary things. Some of these troubles could have been avoided if I had had the right mentor and reliable information. This is why I decided to start this program so that my fellow nurses can focus on what matters and be efficient in career building.

How about just doing all of this on my own? Can I do my RESEARCH and watch youtube videos?

Absolutely! The average annual salary for nurse practitioners in the U.S. is $118,040, and you can make more depending on which state you will live in and what you will do. Going to a nurse practitioner school is definitely a significant investment. Still, the good news is there will be a 45.7% increase in employment growth for nurse practitioners in the U.S. between 2021 and 2031, so there will be plenty of opportunities to work after graduation, so you can see that the return on investment is almost guaranteed. And more than the high income, nurse practitioner jobs are incredibly fulfilling, and I absolutely love being a nurse practitioner, and I believe you would too!

The price for this program seems too high for me...is it worth it?


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Plus six 60-min private coaching
(Save $282)


One 60-min private coaching
(save $147)


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You have clear guidance of what to do to find and enter your perfect nurse practitioner program in the U.S....

You get mental support from expert nurse practitioners and your peers when you feel stressed or scared...

What would your life look like if...

Let's be real for a minute, can we?

Next door opens in June 2024

you don't have to waste your time on researching what to do and instead focus all of your energy, money and time on things that matter.

Stress from studying abroad and building an NP career in the U.S. are unlike others and not many people would truly understand...but your coaches and peers know exactly what you are dealing with and can be your great mental supporters!

Becoming a nurse practitioner in the U.S. was always a dream for me, and it felt almost impossible to achieve it initially. But not only I made my dream come true, I also gained many things I didn't even imagine that I could, like graduating at the top of the class, being chosen as the only nurse practitioner for outstanding performing health care providers, and teaching nurse practitioner students in Hawaii.
With proper guidance and support, anybody can make their dream come true, especially in the U.S. I'm here to help you achieve your American dream!

Miki Miura here! I'm here to support your dream!

Hi Friend!

Plus three bonuses: exclusive workbook, monthly group mentoring online meeting, and access to the VIP FB community

Steps to become a nurse practitioner in the U.S.
Tips to becoming successful in the U.S.
How to master medical English efficiently
How to get accepted by your dream NP program
American nursing 101
Basics of the U.S. healthcare system

To summarize this remarkable offer, you will learn:

Let's Recap

Say hello to your bright new plan.

Say goodbye to an unknown future

You will achieve many things, including things you never even dreamed of...you will get the freedom of choice and live the life you want!

How will your life change when you invest in yourself?

We'll be there to support you
In make your dream come true!

Learn how to study/work smart
so you can live the life you dreamed of!

ARe you ready?

Sign up for our FREE email list to access
 our exclusive workshop on how to boost your confidence when applying for NP programs & jobs

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